About Marlena
about Marlena
I vividly remember riding my bicycle as a kid, the wind in my hair and the feeling of limitless freedom. As an adult, I didn’t realize I had unconsciously traded that exuberant feeling for a seat on the never-ending stress wheel.
Since childhood I have suffered from several reoccurring ailments. I honestly didn’t know that migraine headaches, varied skin conditions and nightly teeth grinding were not normal states of being. It’s taken me years to understand that the major key to getting of the stress-wheel has less to do with anyone or anything outside of me and everything to do with my ability to manage my inner state of calm and find balance toward total well-being.
Life has humbled me through many losses and a lot of emotional pain. Everything has led to a spiritual tipping point that forced me to make myself a priority. To survive and now to thrive, I had to learn Self-Care is not luxury, it is a necessity. With time, patience, and determination I can finally say, that the resilient woman I see every day in the mirror is truly my best friend.
Today, my life has come full circle. The highly sensitive little girl who grew up in Milton, Ma., loved nothing more than just to sit quietly outdoors, draw, paint, write and hang out with her dog, still loves the same things. The big difference is that she has discovered a sense of inner peace on the solid platform she stands on with daily Self-Care.
I have lived much of my life in NYC where I licensed my original artwork to well-known prestigious companies; Tiffany & Co., Cartier, Waterford Wedgwood, George Caspari, Shaw Living and many more. My designs sold internationally across multiple product categories: gifts, paper, and home decorative accessories. Despite my success I did not feel fulfilled. It took heartbreak to open my heart. Miraculously, I was led to Reiki healing, a home in Arizona, the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts to become an Intuitive Guide, Spiritual Coach and now Author.
Wherever you find yourself today, if you are struggling with anything big or small, I believe with all my heart that embracing a Self-Care Lifestyle can be your entry point and your reset button to get off the stress-wheel. Begin now to take the wheel of your own bicycle, and your destiny. Fearlessly be yourself and create the life you love. My ride has been a bumpy one, I’m here to help smooth the path for you. After all what are we here for if not to help each other. With Much Love, Marlena